
I'm Alia!

I build creative brands for legacy-driven entreprenuers through strategic coaching, brand design, and web development. 

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How Clear Branding Can Help You Scale Your Business

Alia Cruz

Brand Strategy


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Uncover Its True Potential with Our 3-Part Brand Audit




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Five basics of building a brand.

The first thing you need to do is define what a brand actually is. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a brand is “a name” or “a distinctive mark or design used in trade.” In other words, your brand is what people think of when they hear your business name or see your logo—it’s how they perceive the quality and knowledge of your company and its products.

Branding can be thought of as being divided into two parts: awareness and esteem. Awareness refers to how well known you are within your industry; esteem refers more specifically to how respected you are in that same industry (or even beyond). Ideally, both aspects should work together so that potential clients know who you are but also know that what they’ve heard about you from others has been positive enough for them to buy from you without hesitation.

The science behind color and how its used in branding.

Branding is more than just a logo. It’s the perception of your business, and it can make or break your company. If you want to differentiate yourself from the competition, there are two things you need:

  • A strong brand
  • A clear path for growth

    For more on Color Psychology and a look at the reason why Colors are important in branding, read this article

Branding is more than your logo.

Branding isn’t just about your logo. It’s how you show up in the world, how people perceive you and what they think of your business.

Brand identity and brand positioning are two sides of the same coin; they work together to help define who you are as a company and where you fit into the marketplace. But what does this really mean?

Branding can create a perception of quality, knowledge and experience.

Branding can create a perception of quality, knowledge and experience. Branding is about the entire experience. It’s about how you speak to your target audience and what you say to them in order to build trust, loyalty and recognition. A strong brand will have an impact on the success of your business as it grows—you need to create one that stands out in the market!

If you are looking for help with creating or refining your branding strategy, contact me today! We would love to chat with you about how we can help grow your business by developing a brand strategy that works for YOU!

Building your brand will set you apart from the competition

One of the biggest benefits of branding is that it can help you scale your business. When you have a solid brand, you’ll be able to attract more customers and grow your revenue faster.

Branding helps set you apart from the competition. It creates a perception of quality and experience for your customers, so when they see your name or logo, they know exactly who they’re dealing with and what to expect while they are working with you. This makes it easier for people to remember how awesome you are at what you do—and helps them refer others to work with you too! What do customers tell other people about your business?

Businesses with a strong branding presence can scale faster.

Branding is important, because it helps your business stand out. When customers are looking for a business like yours, they need to know what they’re getting. They want to be able to see that you’re the one who can help them achieve their goals. Not only does branding make it easy for potential clients to find you, but it also makes your services seem more valuable and appealing by differentiating them from competitors.

When you have a strong brand presence, people who resonate with your message will seek out your services without any prompting from you (and if someone does contact you about working together on something that doesn’t involve your main offerings or interests, then all the better—that’s an opportunity!). This means that even though scaling may take longer in the beginning stages when most of your audience consists of word-of-mouth referrals rather than paid advertisements or social media ads (which cost money), once people start noticing how great everything is going over at [Company Name], growth will happen quickly thanks largely due because those same people already trust what they’re seeing online thanks in part due because of [Business Name]’s consistent presence throughout other platforms beyond just its own website where users know exactly where each post came from so there’s no confusion about whether or not something was written by one person or multiple persons etcetera…

Building a business is hard.

Starting a business is hard. It’s not a walk in the park. It’s not a hobby (or it shouldn’t be). It’s not a side gig that you do part-time or on weekends. Starting and maintaining a successful business requires 100% commitment from you, so if you’re only going to give 75%, then don’t even try it!

Building your brand is absolutely essential if you want to build an audience, scale your business and earn more money. This isn’t something that will magically happen overnight; it takes time and effort—and most importantly, focus—to really make progress on this front.

Growing that business can be even harder.

Growing that business can be even harder. The more you grow, the more work you have to do. And when you’ve got a lot of stuff on your plate, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all and feel like your quality of life is suffering.

That’s why taking the time for brand clarity is so important: by creating a strong, memorable identity for yourself and your business (and then sticking with it), anything from small tasks like writing emails or updating social media posts to big projects like marketing campaigns will be much easier. Because no matter what stage of growth your business is in, having clear branding means always knowing who you are and what makes sense for both customers and employees alike—which means that there are fewer chances of missteps along the way! When you have a few years of business under your belt and are ready for a brand strategist to come alongside, you’ll save yourself time spinning in circles on your own trying to figure out exactly who your audience is, how you can speak their language without giving up your own values, and how to deliver your services in a way they actually will connect with!

All successful entrepreneurs know that a powerful brand helps them scale without hindering the things that make their businesses so great to begin with.

As a business owner, your brand is the foundation of your company. It’s what draws people in and keeps them coming back. A strong brand means more sales, more customers, and higher profits. On the other hand, a weak or poorly thought-out brand will do nothing but hinder your success as you try to scale.

So what does it mean for something to be branded? Branding isn’t just about logos and colors; it’s about how you present yourself as an organization—and if done correctly, branding can help you scale without hindering any of the things that make your business so great in the first place.

Differentiate your services

The ability to differentiate your services and position your brand as something that stands for something is a critical step in the process of building a scalable business.

In order to differentiate your services, you need to first define what they are. What do you do? Why do people hire you? How are you different from other people in your industry? Once this has been defined, it’s time to identify what makes it unique and valuable. It’s also important not just to identify this but also communicate it so that others understand why they should work with (or buy from) you instead of someone else.

When you start out you have few competitors, so clients have little trouble finding you. But as more people enter the market place, it becomes more and more difficult. Sure, you could lower your prices… but then you end up competing on price instead of on quality and experience.

When you start out you have few competitors, so clients have little trouble finding you. But as more people enter the market place, it becomes more and more difficult. Sure, you could lower your prices… but then you end up competing on price instead of on quality and experience.

This is why branding can be so important; it makes a strong statement about who you are, what sets your business apart from others in your industry and how much value it provides to those whom they serve. It helps create a perception of quality and knowledge that will help attract new customers to your brand – even when there are dozens of other options available in their search results!

Plus, we all know that running a business isn’t about making money — it’s about creating magic for our clients — so why would we want to do anything that forces us to cut corners or work with people who are looking for the least expensive option?

  • It’s more than just a logo.
  • Branding is about creating a perception of quality, knowledge and experience. People want to buy from businesses that know what they’re doing and can deliver on their promises. This is why strong brands have become so important: because they’re able to set themselves apart from the competition by creating this perception through things like branding colors, fonts, imagery and other design elements that have meaning within your industry or niche community.
  • You can scale faster when you are able to establish yourself as an expert in your field before you even start working with clients.

That’s where branding comes in. With an established and consistent brand identity, it’s easy for clients to find exactly what they want from the get go — like the woman above who was on the hunt for a femme fatale experience — and so there’s no need for them to contact 20 other photographers for quotes before finally narrowing it down. With a strong brand identity, you attract clients who value your services and seek out your experience specifically.

Building a successful business is hard. You know this. You’ve seen the numbers, heard from friends and family, and experienced firsthand how much time and energy it takes to create a company that provides meaningful value to people in your industry.

That’s where branding comes in. With an established and consistent brand identity, it’s easy for clients to find exactly what they want from the get go — like the woman above who was on the hunt for a femme fatale experience — and so there’s no need for them to contact 20 other photographers for quotes before finally narrowing it down. With a strong brand identity, you attract clients who value your services and seek out your experience specifically.

If you’re struggling to scale your biz, it’s time to define your brand

If you’re struggling to scale your business, it’s time to define your brand. Branding is an important part of scaling any business, and good branding can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace. It also helps attract the right clients, creates a consistent experience for them, and creates memorable experiences that help solidify your brand as they tell their stories about working with you.


If you’re struggling to scale your biz, it’s time to define your brand. Start by asking yourself these questions: Who am I? What do I want my brand to say about me? How will others perceive me?

If you are ready to scale but haven’t taken the time to define your brand, OR you know your audience has shifted and it’s time to go even deeper with brand clarity, let’s talk. I build creative brands for legacy-driven entreprenuers so they can leave the impact they want without sacrificing precious time with those they love. Learn more about my branding services here or reach out with your question at alia@thelegacybrandingco.com. You can also head over to my instagram and send a DM! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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3-Part Brand Audit


