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Why Color Psychology is More Important Than You Realize

Alia Cruz

Brand Strategy


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Color psychology is one of the most overlooked elements of branding. It’s easy to focus on the superficial aspects of your brand identity and ignore how colors can impact how people feel about your company. Color affects our mood, emotions and perceptions. In fact, 85 percent of shoppers say they make purchasing decisions based on color alone! So it’s important that if you’re developing a new brand or refreshing an existing one, you pay attention to which colors your brand is using — especially if you want to appeal to customers in different cultures or markets with different languages and cultural norms.

Color is more than just a visual component of your brand.

Color is more than just a visual component of your brand. It’s an emotional, cultural, and psychological tool that can be used to convey your brand’s personality, values, and goals.

Color Psychology: Why It’s More Important Than You Realize

Color can do more for your company than you think. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful tools at your disposal—and if you don’t use it correctly (or at all), you could be missing out on some serious opportunities for growth and innovation. Let’s talk about how color affects consumers’ perceptions of your business in more ways than one!

Color elicits an emotional response in customers.

Color is the first thing we see and the last thing we remember. It has a powerful effect on our emotions, whether it’s positive or negative. Color can be used to evoke an emotional response in customers, which will impact their purchasing decisions.

There are many emotions associated with color:

  • Red – Passion, energy and excitement
  • Orange – Vitality and warmth
  • Yellow – Optimism/happiness/creativity
  • Green – Growth/natural environment (think “green” as in money).
  • Blue- Trust, Security, Peace, Spirituality

Colors evoke different emotions across cultures and markets.

Red is the color of love and passion. It’s associated with feelings of excitement and adventure. Red can also symbolize danger and aggression, which may explain why you see so many red sports cars speeding around in your neighborhood. Blue has very positive associations for most people, including trustworthiness, intelligence, comfort, and serenity. Green represents health, nature, growth (literally), hope—all things that are good for us! Yellow is associated with energy and cheerfulness; it evokes happiness because our brains are wired to associate yellow with sunshine (it makes us feel warm inside). Orange is associated with happiness; this optimistic color evokes fun times spent in the sun or enjoying delicious food like oranges themselves. Pink is a very romantic color associated with love between two people sharing an intimate moment together.

About 85 percent of shoppers say color is the primary reason they purchase a product.

Color is a powerful tool for guiding consumers to make purchase decisions. It can be used as a visual cue to direct shoppers toward specific products, especially when there are multiple brands selling similar items. For example, the Coca-Cola Company has used color coding in its marketing campaigns since the 1950s, when it started using red and white imagery with their logo.

In addition to influencing which products shoppers choose, colors also play a role in how much consumers spend on those items. According to research by Harvard Business School professor Jennifer Aaker, consumers who see green colors tend to think of “nature,” while those who see red are more likely to think of “power” or “urgency.” As such, companies can use this knowledge when marketing their product; they could use green as a way of making customers feel calm and relaxed about spending money on something that might otherwise be viewed as expensive (such as an organic energy drink).

The colors you choose for your brand should be strategic and help support the brand’s goals while appealing to your target customer in a positive way.

Color is a powerful tool for marketing your brand. It can help you stand out from the competition, it helps customers identify with your brand, and it can even help build trust in your company.

When choosing the colors for your business, it’s important to understand how color psychology works so that you can make informed decisions about what colors are best suited for creating positive associations and emotions in customers’ minds.


We’ve seen that color is an incredibly powerful tool that can help or hurt your brand, depending on how you use it. It’s important to understand how people react to different colors and their associations with certain emotions and actions so that you can use them strategically in your marketing campaigns. Remember, though, not all colors are created equal when it comes to eliciting an emotional response from consumers—and as we saw earlier in this post, some even carry negative connotations for some audiences!

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