I'm Alia & I help business owners

build legacies.

so nice to meet you.

You’re a real go-getter. Finishing up one project just fires you up to start on the next one. You have many passions and many directions you know you're capable of going in.

Do you ever want to just be able to do all the things you feel called to?

Hey! You're in the right spot!

Someone slide a second shot of espresso down the coffee bar - this is where I come in! I’m Alia, and I build creative brands for legacy-driven entrepreneurs who are ready for some serious strategy so they can make *all* the differences they desire without sacrificing their freedom, mental life, or family time.

I help entreprenuers expand and structure their brand strategy to match the incredible level of impact and service they are actually giving, without herding in the wrong clients who take up all their time and energy.

With a BA in Education, I am the brand strategist + web designer that will not just do it for you, but also help teach you what you need to know to take your brand forward, equip you with the tools you need to lead your team with a unified vision, and provide you with the resources and mindsets to stay consistent across all platforms.

I've learned from some of the best in the branding + copywriting industries and I'm beyond excited to use this knowledge + skill to craft a timeless and mature brand just for you!

work with me

the legacy branding co.

the legacy branding co.


I help you sort through the clutter and find the best route. This perspective allows me to see patterns where others simply see complexity, and select best routes moving forward.


I am impatient with generalizations or “types” because I don’t want to obscure what is special and distinct about each person. Instead, I focus on the differences between individuals. I instinctively observe each person’s style, each person’s motivation, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. I hear the one-of-a-kind stories in each person’s life.


This instinctive ability to understand is powerful. I hear the unvoiced questions. I anticipate the need. Where others grapple for words, I seem to find the right words and the right tone. I help people find the right phrases to express their feelings—to themselves as well as to others. I help them give voice to their emotional life.

Want a quick idea of what working with me looks like?

I'll let my Strengthfinder's results do the talking:

Lenny & Larry Macadamia Nut Protein Cookies

You'll catch me snacking on:


You'll catch me sneaking:

Krispy Kreme Glazed Donuts (Hot, babe!)

A piping hot black Americano (you don't scare me 110 degree AZ summers!)

You'll catch me sipping on:


You'll catch me chugging:

WATER - hold the ice. Listen, I just said 110 degree summers haha! A girl's gotta survive!

House DIY vids and IG workouts for busy mamas!

You'll catch me perusing:


You'll catch me devouring:

My Bible and some heavy duty theology books for seminary (M.Div Student on the side, here!)

Going on 5 am walks with my two kiddos to get all their boy energy out before the day starts! Walking through tree trails and watching early morning sunrises.

You'll catch me outside:


You'll catch me inside:

Practicing my iPad hand illustrations, writing and illustrating children's books, and baking desserts for the family.


Fun Facts

I mean, hey, if you're up for it... I'll spill the tea about how this whole thing got started!

Ooh, Share!

Ooh, Share!

I used to be a high school math teacher. And before that I was a middle school math teacher. I loved my job, I loved the people I worked with, and I really, truly loved my students. But something in me just knew I wasn't created to be a math teacher. I never had wanted to be a teacher, but I felt like for a season I was called.

Maybe you've been there, stuck in a job that was fine, but wasn't what filled you, gave you the outlet you wanted or made you hopeful for the future.

I remember one day, after a long day of teaching, I went to a local hipster cafe, grabbed my typical evening decaf, and sat grading papers, hoping my future husband would walk in and sweep me off of my feet. (ah, young romance, right?). But this night, that loneliness was turned way down as a new pang of great dissatisfaction surfaced. I glanced across the cafe and saw a graphic designer sitting a few tables in front of me with a Wacom tablet and pen, drawing the scene in front of them.

They were good. I mean really good. I could see on their screen, the curtain over the windows and the detail of the hair of the person in front of them -- my heart stopped right within me. I was there, with a thick pile of papers to be graded, finals coming up, and a stress level only a teacher can describe as state testing approaches. And this graphic designer was sitting, totally relaxed, sipping on their glass of wine, totally focused on the subject matter in front of them. I was undone. It hurt to watch, and my creative heart felt like it was bursting at the seams, with this pile of trigonometry, algebra, and geometry to be analyzed, assessed, and broken down into rote explanation. I remember leaving the coffee shop that night so unfulfilled and questioning my life. 

Fast forward to a few summers later. I was pregnant with my first kiddo, the man of my dreams had come to sweep me away (although not at a coffee shop, so close!) I had just finished teaching for the year. I was 9 months pregnant, our air conditioner had just broken and it was July in Arizona. Every day was a waiting game and I remember being so desperately bored and impatient for baby #1 to come safely into the world. My husband worked so I sat at home every day arguing with insurance people to help us fix our air conditioner, which they wouldn't.

I was at a pivotal moment in my career, knowing that I didn't want to go back to teaching after my son was born, and also I was extremely fearful, super moody and feeling that hopelessness that comes right before the baby is born. Plus, I'll never forget how just dang hot it was! It was the tension of transition, and that tension stung.

One day, my husband called and asked if I would meet him at a coffee shop, so I drove to meet him, in the middle of my pity party. As I pulled into the empty parking lot, I saw him standing at the car with a grin on his face, and a gift bag in his hand. I still can see the excitement in his eyes as I reflect back on the moment. I wondered, "What does he have? More chocolate? A chick flick?" Thinking he was trying to comfort me in my teary-eyed pregnancy mess. But when I parked next to him, he rushed to the door and said, "Here! Open this!" I suspiciously  looked up at him, the bag being heavier than the normal twix bar gift bag...  I reached into the bag and slowly pulled out a box. 

My eyes lit up when I saw what he had given me! A Wacom tablet and pen! Just like the graphic designer had in the cafe a few years before! I was shocked, my husband had no inclination that I was interested in one of these, I'd never shared the story with him, he had only heard me say that I wanted to have a creative outlet and I felt like I wasn't able to be my true self with all of the math in my life.

I burst into soggy, preggo tears and hugged him as much as my big belly would allow me to. I asked him how he could possibly have known that was what I deeply wanted, and he said he just prayed and researched tools for being creative and found that that was the best thing on the market at the time, and wanted to bless me. I felt like it was such a confirmation that this was the right next step to take in my life, and breathed a sigh of relief as I excitedly examined every square inch of this new gift! He smiled with a sparkle in his eye and said, "Now read the card". So, I pulled out the card and all it said inside was "I believe in you". *sound the alarms* all of the tears and sobs were there.

Needless to say, I dove right in and started teaching myself everything there was to know about graphic design. I was hungry for skills, hungry to learn, and hungry to create incredible things that would inspire others by their beauty. One baby later, I already had learned all that I needed to know to start creating my own logo designs for friends who were starting businesses locally. A $15 logo here and a $30 logo there, I felt like a champ in the field, though I had so much to learn. I continued to pursue excellence in the field, learning and studying until I felt that I could truly take this on as a legitimate career. I started learning from some of the best mentors and coaches in the branding + copywriting industries and now have a business I have been privileged to serve an abundance of clients from!

my eyes lit up when I saw what he had given me...!

What I learned through this near-to-my-heart experience, is that the best gift that you can offer someone is not just to believe in them, but to equip them with the tools they need so they can be successful in what you believe they are called to.

As a brand strategist, I can see the potential in someone's business a million miles away. But if all I do is stand on the sidelines and cheer them on, they may not have all of the tools they need to reach the level of success they were created for. It is my joy to reciprocate what my husband did for me that day in the parking lot of Big Heart coffee, to equip business owners with the tools they need to have a clear strategy for their brand.

 And, my heart for my clients is in the same vein as my husband's was for me that day, for them to confidently step into their calling and be encouraged, inspired, and have all that they need to be able to build the legacy they are dreaming of.

Close this story and start telling yours

I used to be a high school math teacher. And before that I was a middle school math teacher. I loved my job, I loved the people I worked with, and I really, truly loved my students. But something in me just knew I wasn't created to be a teacher. I never had wanted to be a teacher, but I felt like for a season I was called.

Maybe you've been there, stuck in a job that was fine, but wasn't what filled you, gave you the outlet you wanted or made you hopeful for the future.

 I remember one day, after a long day of teaching, I went to a local hipster cafe, grabbed my typical evening decaf, and sat grading papers, hoping my future husband would walk in and sweep me off of my feet. (ah, young romance, right?). But this night, that loneliness was turned way down as a new pang of great dissatisfaction surfaced. I glanced across the cafe and saw a graphic designer sitting a few tables in front of me with a Wacom tablet and pen, drawing the scene in front of them.

They were good. I mean really good. I could see on their screen, the curtain over the windows and the detail of the hair of the person in front of them -- my heart stopped right within me. I was there, with a thick pile of papers to be graded, finals coming up, and a stress level only a teacher can describe as state testing approaches. And this graphic designer was sitting, totally relaxed, sipping on their glass of wine, totally focused on the subject matter in front of them. I was undone. It hurt to watch, and my creative heart felt like it was bursting at the seams, with this pile of trigonometry, algebra, and geometry to be analyzed, assessed, and broken down into rote explanation. I remember leaving the coffee shop that night so unfulfilled and questioning my life. 

Fast forward to a few summers later. I was pregnant with my first kiddo, the man of my dreams had come to sweep me away (although not at a coffee shop, so close!) I had just finished teaching for the year. I was 9 months pregnant, our air conditioner had just broken and it was July in Arizona. Every day was a waiting game and I remember being so desperately bored and impatient for baby #1 to come safely into the world. My husband worked so I sat at home every day arguing with insurance people to help us fix our air conditioner, which they wouldn't.

I was at a pivotal moment in my career, knowing that I didn't want to go back to teaching after my son was born, and also I was extremely fearful, super moody and feeling that hopelessness that comes right before the baby is born. Plus, I'll never forget how just dang hot it was! It was the tension of transition, and that tension stung.

One day, my husband called and asked if I would meet him at a coffee shop, so I drove to meet him, in the middle of my pity party. As I pulled into the empty parking lot, I saw him standing at the car with a grin on his face, and a gift bag in his hand. I still can see the excitement in his eyes as I reflect back on the moment. I wondered, "What does he have? More chocolate? A chick flick?" Thinking he was trying to comfort me in my teary-eyed pregnancy mess. But when I parked next to him, he rushed to the door and said, "Here! Open this!" I suspiciously  looked up at him, the bag being heavier than the normal twix bar gift bag...  I reached into the bag and slowly pulled out a box. 

My eyes lit up when I saw what he had given me! A Wacom tablet and pen! Just like the graphic designer had in the cafe a few years before! I was shocked, my husband had no inclination that I was interested in one of these, I'd never shared the story with him, he had only heard me say that I wanted to have a creative outlet and I felt like I wasn't able to be my true self with all of the math in my life.

I burst into soggy, preggo tears and hugged him as much as my big belly would allow me to. I asked him how he could possibly have known that was what I deeply wanted, and he said he just prayed and researched tools for being creative and found that that was the best thing on the market at the time, and wanted to bless me. I felt like it was such a confirmation that this was the right next step to take in my life, and breathed a sigh of relief as I excitedly examined every square inch of this new gift! He smiled with a sparkle in his eye and said, "Now read the card". So, I pulled out the card and all it said inside was "I believe in you". *sound the alarms* all of the tears and sobs were there.

Needless to say, I dove right in and started teaching myself everything there was to know about graphic design. I was hungry for skills, hungry to learn, and hungry to create incredible things that would inspire others by their beauty. One baby later, I already had learned all that I needed to know to start creating my own logo designs for friends who were starting businesses locally. A $15 logo here and a $30 logo there, I felt like a champ in the field, though I had so much to learn. I continued to pursue excellence in the field, learning and studying until I felt that I could truly take this on as a legitimate career. I started learning from some of the best mentors and coaches in the branding + copywriting industries and now have a business I have been privileged to serve an abundance of clients from!

What I learned through this near-to-my-heart experience, is that the best gift that you can offer someone is not just to believe in them, but to equip them with the tools they need so they can be successful in what you believe they are called to.

As a brand strategist, I can see the potential in someone's business a million miles away. But if all I do is stand on the sidelines and cheer them on, they may not have all of the tools they need to reach the level of success they were created for. It is my joy to reciprocate what my husband did for me that day in the parking lot of Big Heart coffee, to equip business owners with the tools they need to have a clear strategy for their brand.

And, my heart for my clients is in the same vein as my husband's was for me that day, for them to confidently step into their calling and be encouraged, inspired, and have all that they need to be able to build the legacy they are dreaming of.

my eyes lit up when I saw what he had given me...!

Close this story and start telling yours

"She took my heart and turned it into design! She brought a level of excellence, beauty, and professionalism that I strived for but wasn't able to attain on my own. After implementing our new messaging and design, our vendors, customers and greater community took notice immediately! When pitching to brands they said that our messaging was "compelling" and we landed significantly more deals than before. I can honestly and confidently say that Branding and Website Development with Alia NEEDS to be your first step!"

"She took my heart and turned it into design!"

Kayty Helgerson, Gather Intentional Living

Alia and her expertise are 100% worth every single penny and more. She'll bring your vision to life in a way that you never expected. In this current world that we're living in, it is imperative to create a space online where people can go and truly experience your business as if they're walking into your "store".  Giving potential clients the most colorful, attractive, gorgeous open door to view everything you offer is really the meat and potatoes of selling yourself without actually interacting with them. Alia does this for her clients hundredfold.

"Alia does this for her clients hundredfold."

Annie Matlick,  Ambrosia Cakes Tucson

Walking through the research phase of the branding process was so insightful because I learned there was a common thread in my ideal clients, how they felt about reality verses expectations of where they would be at this time in their life and now I can connect with them right away. It was essential to making progress in the branding process!

"the research phase of the branding process was so insightful"

Veronica Cruz, In His Lens Photography

Working with Alia was a dream. She went so above and beyond what I was anticipating. It was like she could look into my brain and figure out what I wanted without me even explaining it properly. My brand is AMAZING!! Fresh, fierce, feminine, and just absolutely beautiful and speaks perfectly to my ideal client.

"My brand is AMAZING!!"

Candace Newway, Newway Accounting

I felt like I had very abstract ideas of how I wanted my brand to make people feel, but I didn't know how to connect the dots. The idea of working with another creative professional was also intimidating, but I felt completely comfortable with Alia. The way that she heard my scattered ideas, and the things that were important to me, and then translated them into a cohesive design was so helpful.

"I felt completely comfortable with Alia."

Rachel Noble, Rachel Noble Images

What clients are saying
