
I'm Alia!

I build creative brands for legacy-driven entreprenuers through strategic coaching, brand design, and web development. 

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NewWay Accounting

Alia Cruz

Brand Launch


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This Brand Launch for my friend Candace over at New Way Accounting was such a dream to work on! Candace was confident in what she wanted as an outcome of her brand, but wasn’t sure exactly how to get her brand to where it needed to be! Our story of how we met is really funny, she and I still can’t get over how she found me.

Candace reached out in a Facebook group I’m not a part of and asked for recommendations for a feminine brand designer. She had 90 responses to her inquiry and spent a full evening with her husband looking through all of the portfolios of designers. Candace thought I had put my own name in the ring, but because I wasn’t in that particular FB group, neither of us had any idea how my name/website was put into that particular thread! We cracked up at how we even got connected and jumped in head first ready to set her apart in a man-heavy field of accounting.

Candace, who has become a dear friend, wanted to make sure that she was different from all of the other accountants. Her desire was to stand farrr away from the sterotype of rich white man accountant, and become accessible to creative business owners who were feminine, free-spirited, and total messes when it comes to bookkeeping.

We decided to go in the direction of just being real with where a lot of free-spirited creatives end up, with crumpled receipts, napkin scratched expenses, and a whole stack of messy income reports. At the same time, we needed the design to remain gentle. The messaging could be honest, speaking to the pain points of tracking finances for people who don’t like keeping track of finances, and the design had to be gentle and inviting to them at the same time.

We even create a whole series of training materials for Candace’s online workshops and product downloads. She created a quickbooks guide for people new to quickbooks, ready to DIY their finances. You can check that out HERE.

Since the branding experience, Candace has gone on to grow her team by two employees and a social media team, as well as take on clients like a $10 million/annual revenue business. Hear what she had to say about the process below.

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Whether you're looking to refresh your existing brand or embark on a complete rebranding journey, our audit will provide the foundation you need for exceptional growth.

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Uncover Its True Potential with Our       
3-Part Brand Audit


